Mostly soapy Wednesday

The Comics Curmudgeon 2014-04-02


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Alison Bechdel is famous for her very-long-running comic Dykes to Watch Out For, and Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic, an autobiographical comic about her father and coming out process, is a masterpiece.

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Mary Worth, 4/2/14 Just as I had hoped, this Mary Worth Tommy storyline is so amazing that its amazingness is bleeding over into the non-Tommy parts, including Iris and Wilbur going on this fantastic sandwich date. (The date, as Monday’s strip revealed, is taking place at “Jerry’s Sandwich Shop,” which was presumably once a humble […]

This post originally appeared as "Mostly soapy Wednesday" on The Comics Curmudgeon, which is the best blog on the Internet.

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Date tagged:

04/02/2014, 13:40

Date published:

04/02/2014, 08:23