Highlight the right elements of a chart

Junk Charts 2013-08-28

The big news in the tech world is Steve Ballmer's retirement accouncement. Andrew Sullivan cites this chart by Derek Thompson as a reason for Ballmer's departure: (original article)


 How about this version?



What makes this version better?

  • Having the Microsoft/Wintel area at the bottom means the boundary of the area traces its rise and fall
  • Choosing a heavy color for Microsoft/Wintel draws attention to the main stage
  • Focus numerical labels on the particular items that convey the story, i.e. the numbers highlighted at the top of the original chart in red
  • Subtle and sparse gridlines tied to the key message
  • Tilt labels to fit inside areas
  • Place data labels inside chart next to the highlighted features
  • Draw attention to the boundary of the Microsoft/Wintel area