Some chart designs bring out more information than others

Junk Charts 2023-03-25

I forgot where I found this chart but here it is:


The designer realizes the flaw of the design, which is why the number 50 is placed in a red box, and there is another big red box  placed right in our faces telling us that any number above 50 represents growing, while all below 50 shrinking.

The real culprit is the column chart design, which treats zero as the baseline, not 50. Thus, the real solution is to move away from a column chart design.

There are many possibilities. Here's one using the Bumps chart form:


There are several interesting insights buried in that column chart!

First we learn that almost all segments were contracting in both years.

Next, there are some clustering of segments. The Premium Regular and Cider segments were moving in sync. Craft, FMB/SEltzer and Below Premium were similar in 2022; intriguingly, Below Premium diverged from the other two segments.

In fact, Below Premium has distinguished itself as the only segment that experienced an improved index relative to 2022!