Little useless-useful R functions – Vanishing sentences

R-bloggers 2025-01-06

[This article was first published on R – TomazTsql, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Let’s play with some words. More in particular with vanishing words.

Using two packages: ggplot2 and gganimate we will construct a animation (looped), where sentences will be vanishing, word by word. A nice way to train the ggplot animations.

The function is combination of data frame wrangling and visualizations:

vanishing_sentence <- function(sentence, output_file = NULL, interval = 0.5) {    words <- unlist(strsplit(sentence, " "))  vanishing_order <- sample(seq_along(words))    sentence_data <- data.frame(    word = words,    position = seq_along(words),    vanish_step = match(seq_along(words), vanishing_order)  )    # sequence  animation_data <-, lapply(1:(max(sentence_data$vanish_step) + 1), function(step) {    sentence_data %>%      mutate(visible = ifelse(vanish_step >= step, TRUE, FALSE)) %>%      group_by(position) %>%      summarize(word = ifelse(visible, word, ""), .groups = "drop") %>%      mutate(step = step)  }))    p <- ggplot(animation_data, aes(x = position, y = 1, label = word)) +    geom_text(size = 6, hjust = 0.5, vjust = 0.5, fontface = "bold") +    theme_void() +    theme(      plot.margin = margin(1, 1, 1, 1, "cm"),      plot.background = element_rect(fill = "white", color = NA)    ) +    transition_states(step, transition_length = interval,state_length = 1) +    enter_fade() +    exit_fade() +    ease_aes("linear")       # render and save  if (!is.null(output_file)) {    anim <- animate( p,nframes = length(words) + 10, fps = 10,width = 800,height = 400, renderer = gifski_renderer(output_file) )    return(anim)  } else {    animate(      p,      nframes = length(words) + 10,      fps = 10,      width = 800,      height = 400    )  }}

And once you have the function available in your environment, run the function (two ways – to save it into windows output or into a file):

sentence <- "This sentence will gradually vanish - word by word"# save to filevanishing_sentence(sentence, output_file = "vanishing_sentence.gif")# save to outputvanishing_sentence(sentence)

As always, the complete code is available on GitHub in  Useless_R_function repository. The sample file in this repository is here (filename: Vanishing_sentence.R). Check the repository for future updates.

Happy new year 2025! Carry on with R-coding and stay healthy!

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