Video: High scale in-database modeling in Greenplum with R

R-bloggers 2013-03-21

(This article was first published on R User Groups, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers)

The following post presents the video of a talk by Hong Ooi who presented at Melbourne R Users, March 2013.

Content: Greenplum is a massively parallel relational database platform. R is one of the top languages in the data scientist/applied statistician community. In this talk, Hong gives an overview of how they work together, both with R on the desktop and as an embedded in-database analytics tool.  It’ll be a variation of a talk recently presented at the UseR 2012 Conference.

Speaker: Hong Ooi graduated from Macquarie University with a BEc in actuarial studies, then worked with NRMA Insurance/IAG in Sydney for many years. Completed a Masters in Applied Stats from Macquarie in 1997, and a PhD in statistics from ANU from 2000-2004. Displayed impeccable timing by switching jobs to St George Bank on the eve of the global financial crisis.Moved to Melbourne in 2009, before joining the Greenplum data science team in 2012.


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