A simple simulation of Hierarchical Linear Modelling (HLM) using two different R packages – intercept only RE

R-bloggers 2013-03-27

(This article was first published on Econometrics by Simulation, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers)
# HLM is a common tool used to analysize hierarchically structured data. # Let's see it in action using a couple of the tools programmed up by HLM researchers. # First let's generate a data set. # Imagine we have a two level model, students nested within classrooms. # Let's say we have 20 classrooms nclass = 20 # And thirty students per classroom nstud = 30 # Let's imagine that we have a classroom effect that varies randomly and is uncorrelated with the student level effect. class.effect = rnorm(nclass)*2 # Imagine also we have a unique outcome per student. # We have nclass*nstud number of students in total. student.effect = rnorm(nstud*nclass)*3 # Now we have all the data we need in order to generate our analysis. data.set = data.frame(class.id = rep(1:nclass, each=nstud),                   class.effect = rep(class.effect, each=nstud),                   student.id = 1:(nstud*nclass),                   student.effect = student.effect) data.set$outcomes = data.set$class.effect + data.set$student.effect head(data.set) # Looking good.  Now let's load our HLM package. require(nlme) # For quick reference I used: # https://txcdk.unt.edu/iralab/sites/default/files/HLM_R_Handout.pdf lme(outcomes ~ 1, random = ~ 1 | class.id, data=data.set) # We can see that lme is pretty good at estimating a standard deviation of the level 2 effect at around 2 and a level 3 effect around 3. # Alternatively we can attempt to use the software lme4. require(lme4) # For quick reference I went to: http://lme4.r-forge.r-project.org/book/Ch1.pdf lmer(outcomes ~ 1 + (1|class.id), data=data.set) # Reassuringly we can see that the estimates are indentical though lme4 seems to provide more better organized feedback.

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