Announcing dtupdate v1.0 – R Package Reporter/Updater for the devtools Universe

R-bloggers 2014-08-22


The dtupdate package has functions that attempt to figure out which packages have non-CRAN versions (currently only looks for github ones) and then tries to figure out which ones have updates (i.e. the github version is > local version). It provides an option (not recommended) to auto-update any packages with newer development versions. The reason auto updating is not recommended is due to there being potential incompatibilities between what’s in the devtools universe and what you have installed. There is a reason for CRAN, so it’s best to just use the functions that are and will be in this package to get a feel for how out of date you are, then go check the details of the new package versions before updating.

The URL and BugReports fields are, frankly, a mess. Many packages have multiple URLs in one or both of those fields and the non-github URLs are all over the place in terms of formatting. It will take some time, but I’m pretty confident I can get r-forge, bitbucket, gitorius and other external repos working. This was an easy first step.

TODO: A nice knitr HTML report is planned with clickable links and embedded NEWS and DESCRIPTION files for each package.

The following functions are implemented:

  • github_update - find, report and optionally update packages installed from or available on github. This initial version just keys off of the BugReports: field, looking for a github-ish URL and then grabbing what info that it can to see if the repo is in package format and has a DESCRIPTION file it can key off of


  • Version 1.0 released (nascent github pkg update capability)





# get current verison

## [1] '1.0'

# see what packages are available for an update

##      package.repo       owner installed.version current.version update.available
## 1        corrplot      taiyun              0.73            0.73               no
## 2      data.table  Rdatatable             1.9.3           1.9.3               no
## 3        dtupdate    hrbrmstr               1.0             1.0               no
## 4         formatR       yihui            0.10.5          0.10.5               no
## 5         ggplot2      hadley               no
## 6        ggthemes      jrnold             1.8.0           1.8.0               no
## 7          gmailr   jimhester             0.0.1           0.0.1               no
## 8           highr       yihui             0.3.1           0.3.1               no
## 9        miniCRAN      andrie            0.0-20          0.0-20               no
## 10  RcppArmadillo    RcppCore         0.4.400.0       0.4.400.0               no
## 11       corrplot      taiyun              0.73            0.73               no
## 12       forecast robjhyndman               5.4             5.6              yes
## 13        formatR       yihui              0.10          0.10.5              yes
## 14        ggplot2      hadley             1.0.0              yes
## 15       ggthemes      jrnold             1.7.0           1.8.0              yes
## 16          highr       yihui               0.3           0.3.1              yes
## 18       jsonlite  jeroenooms             0.9.9          0.9.10              yes
## 19          knitr       yihui             1.6.6          1.6.14              yes
## 20 knitrBootstrap   jimhester             1.0.0           1.0.0               no
## 21      lubridate      hadley             1.3.3           1.3.3               no
## 22       markdown     rstudio               0.7           0.7.4              yes
## 23        memoise      hadley             0.2.1          0.2.99              yes
## 24           mime       yihui             0.1.1           0.1.2              yes
## 25        packrat     rstudio             0.4.0              yes
## 26           Rcpp    RcppCore            0.11.2              yes
## 27       reshape2      hadley               1.4              yes
## 28           rzmq    armstrtw             0.7.0           0.7.0               no
## 29         scales      hadley             0.2.4 


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Statistics and Visualization » R-bloggers


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Bob Rudis (@hrbrmstr)

Date tagged:

08/22/2014, 07:40

Date published:

08/21/2014, 11:10