Data sonification with R: the sound of Twitter data

R-bloggers 2013-05-29

(This article was first published on SoMe Lab » r-project, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers)

tweet_waveWhat does a tweet sound like? Not the kind that flies around in the air, but the kind that zips to and from our mobile devices. I’m intensely interested in finding ways to make sense of data. Sonification of data – representing data with sound – offers one way to do that. This post steps through R code to take the text of tweets and turn them into short chirping sounds. It also uses different tones for different users so that each user has a “voice”. In other words, this post shows how to use R to make Twitter data sing.

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# Author: Jeff Hemsley jhemsley at uw dot edu# Twitter: @JeffHemsley# Created: Sometime in 2013# # the location of the files I used are at:# Grab these files or make your own and fix the path info below## load the tuneR packagelibrary(tuneR) dir.path <- "c:/r/rt_nets/"dir.path.dat <- "c:/r/rt_nets/dat/"#dir.path.dat <- "c:/r/sound/" <- "earthRTs.txt" <- "test_tweet_like_data.txt" <- paste(dir.path.dat,, sep="") # tweet data is stored in a file, often a big one with a tab as the <- data.frame(read.delim(, sep='\t', stringsAsFactors=F, row.names=NULL)) # ok, just so we can see what we got...colnames([1,] # now, we want have certain characters given some sounds, everything else we# treat as a pause so as to sort of mimic language and bird chirps. So# here is a list of the characters we will create sound for. Spaces give us# us something like different <- c("#", "@", "-", ",", ".", "'", letters, as.character(0:9)) <- length( # sampling rate. this is how many data points (I think) per secondsampeling.rate <- 6000 # how rich the sound is?bits <- 8 long.pause <- .5 # in secondsshort.pause <- .1 # in secondscharacter.sound.length <- 0.01 # we are going to setup a range of tones for each user# to do that we need to find the total range, how many users, and a min and max for each user# and then stuff it in a dataframe so we can get those ranges depending on who is "talking"# note, Hz low values are deep song, and high values are high pitchedmin.Hz <- 600max.Hz <- 8000Hz.range <- max.Hz - min.Hz # get the users from the original dataframeusers.vector <- sort(unique($user.screen_name))users.vector.length <- length(users.vector)num.tone.start.buckets <- floor(Hz.range/users.vector.length) # ok, now make the dataframeuser.voice.df <- data.frame(, min.tone=rep(0, users.vector.length), max.tone=rep(0, users.vector.length))user.voice.df$min.tone <- seq(from=min.Hz, by=num.tone.start.buckets, length=users.vector.length)user.voice.df$max.tone <- seq(to=max.Hz, by=num.tone.start.buckets, length=users.vector.length)user.voice.df[1,] # whats the first row look like?user.voice.df[users.vector.length,] # whats the last row look like? #ok. Now, we don't want to do all of the tweets, just a sample, for experimenting# do like 3 to <- 10num.obs <- dim([1] if (num.obs < { <- num.obs} <- sample(x=1:num.obs, # here is the sonify loop: for each user sing thier tweetfor (i in {   if (i == 1) {    # wait! if this is the first iteration, lets make a wave object: a "coversation" of tweets    w.conversation <- silence(duration = long.pause, xunit = c("samples", "time")[2], bit=bits, samp.rate=sampeling.rate)  }   # i-th sample  df.tweet.row <-[i]   # get the user and set their range  the.user <-$user.screen_name[df.tweet.row]  the.user.index <- which(user.voice.df$ == the.user)  user.min.Hz <- user.voice.df$min.tone[the.user.index]  user.max.Hz <- user.voice.df$max.tone[the.user.index]  user.Hz.range <- user.max.Hz - user.min.Hz   # get the tweet text  the.tweet <-$text[df.tweet.row]  the.tweet.length <- nchar(the.tweet)   # break into a vector of characters  # lowercase the letters. stuff it all in a vector  tweet.text.vec <- unlist(strsplit(tolower(the.tweet), ""))   # For each character in the tweet, find it's index in the   # (see above for our 'alphabet' of chars we are sounding out)  tmp.index <- match(tweet.text.vec,   # each 'talker' starts with a pause of silence  wobj <- silence(duration = long.pause, xunit = c("samples", "time")[2], bit=bits, samp.rate=sampeling.rate)   # ok. for each character in the tweet, make a little wave for it.  for (j in 1:the.tweet.length) {    # j <- 1 + j    if ([j])) {      w <- silence(duration = short.pause, xunit = c("samples", "time")[2], bit=bits, samp.rate=sampeling.rate)    } else {      tweet.char.freq <- (tmp.index[j] * (user.Hz.range/ + user.min.Hz      w <- sine(tweet.char.freq, duration=character.sound.length, xunit = c("samples", "time")[2], bit=bits, samp.rate=sampeling.rate)    }     # add each part of the wave to the wave object    wobj <- bind(wobj, w)  }   # add each talker's tweet to the conversasion  w.conversation <- bind(w.conversation, wobj)} play(w.conversation)# write it all to a wav file.writeWave(w.conversation, "c:/r/sound/tweet_data_sonification.wav")

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