Complete the Introduction to Machine Learning Course for Free until March 21

R-bloggers 2021-03-09

[This article was first published on Quantargo Blog, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Complete the Introduction to Machine Learning Course for Free until March 21

To all of you who want to get started with machine learning we have a special offer! Until March 21 you can finish all of the new Introduction to Machine Learning course lessons for free and collect the following recipes:

The introduction to machine learning is an ideal preparation for our upcoming Machine Learning with Tidymodels course.

Stay tuned and have fun with the new course!

Get Your Free Certificate

Each lesson covers key concepts in small understandable chunks. After finishing all lessons you receive a unique certificate for completing the course. Download your certificate as a PDF and include it in your portfolio!

Happy learning!


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The post Complete the Introduction to Machine Learning Course for Free until March 21 first appeared on R-bloggers.