Open Thread: Apps for the New Year

untitled 2014-01-09

mobileNow that the new year is underway, many of us are finding ourselves in possession of new smartphones or tablets. Here at ProfHacker, we’ve published several posts over the years about mobile devices and mobile applications. It’s a fast-moving field, since manufacturers and developers are often releasing new products. As a result, keeping up with what’s available can be a challenge. Last month, The Verge published their lists of “the best apps for all your new devices.” Articles like those at The Verge are one way to get recommendations. Another is to ask people who do similar tasks as you what they use to get things done.

And that’s exactly what we’re asking you today:

What apps are you finding most helpful for teaching, research, recreation, or just managing the quotidian details of your life? Alternately, what apps are you hoping to find? If you now have a new mobile device, let’s hear from you in the comments.

[CC-licensed Flickr photo by SMI Eye Tracking.]