NSA Uses EFF Images To Explain Tor; EFF Jokingly Claims Creative Commons Violation
Techdirt. Stories filed under "fair use" 2013-12-20
With this morning's revelation of how the NSA and GCHQ are trying to attack Tor, some of the presentations being used by the NSA to explain Tor are somewhat interesting or amusing. For example, in one presentation about the program EgotisticalGiraffe (I don't make 'em up, so don't ask), the NSA amusingly feels the need to highlight the fact that "terrorists" use Tor:
In a different presentation, the NSA helpfully tries to explain how Tor works by making use of the EFF's own Tor explainer.
The whole thing is labeled Top Secret, and, somewhat amusingly, the EFF jokingly claimed that this likely violates their Creative Commons license, before saying that the NSA is free to use the images under fair use. To be honest, I'm not sure that's actually accurate either. It looks like the EFF uses the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 3.0 US) license, which requires attribution and that's basically it. The images show the EFF's logo, so you could argue they've properly complied with the license. Either way, another randomly amusing tidbit in the midst of all of this. Permalink | Comments | Email This Story