"Today the US Supreme Court announced its much-anticipated decision in Kirtsaeng v. Wiley, a lawsuit..."

ARL Policy Notes 2013-03-30


“Today the US Supreme Court announced its much-anticipated decision in Kirtsaeng v. Wiley, a lawsuit regarding the bedrock principle of the “first sale doctrine.” The 6-3 opinion is a total victory for libraries and our users. It vindicates the foundational principle of the first sale doctrine—if you bought it, you own it. All who believe in that principle, and the certainty it provides to libraries and many other parts of our culture and economy, should join us in applauding the Court for correcting the legal ambiguity that led to this case in the first place. It is especially gratifying that Justice Breyer’s majority opinion focused on the considerable harm that the Second Circuit’s opinion would have caused libraries.” - Association of Research Libraries (ARL®) :: Library Copyright Alliance Statement on Supreme Court Decision in Kirtsaeng v…



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Date tagged:

03/30/2013, 14:14

Date published:

03/19/2013, 14:19