[2b2k] Ethanz on Steve Jobs, genius, and CEOs
Current Berkman People and Projects 2014-08-01
Ethan Zuckerman has a great post that begins with a recounting of his youthful discomfort with the way the CEO of his early social media company, Tripod, was treated by the media as if he had done it all by himself.
Hearing me rant about this one too many times, Kara Berklich, our head of marketing, pulled me aside and explained that the visionary CEO was a necessary social construct. With Bo as the single protagonist of our corporate story, we were far more marketable than a complex story with half a dozen key figures and a cast of thousands. When you’re selling a news story, it’s easier to pitch House than Game of Thrones.
This leads Ethan to discourse on the social nature of innovation, and to a brilliant critique of Steve Jobs the person and the book.
My personal TL;DR: Geniuses are networks. But, then, aren’t we all?
Bonus: Ethan includes this coverage from Nightline, 1997. This is what the Internet looked like — at its best — to the media back then. (Go to 2:36 for Ethan his own self.)