Congratulations to MIT Congratulations to MIT on the 4th anniversary of its university-wide OA policy...

Current Berkman People and Projects 2013-03-30


Congratulations to MITCongratulations to MIT on the 4th anniversary of its university-wide OA policy."Downloads have been initiated from nearly every country. What’s more, individual voices are now associated with many of those downloads. We have been collecting comments from readers since July 2012, and we have learned in just a matter of months of the many new and thankful audiences that are finding the MIT faculty’s articles. Appreciative comments have come from students, job seekers, researchers in developing nations, independent scholars, journalists, hobbyists, retired engineers and scientists, and patient advocates, among others...."Stop by to read some of the appreciative comments. If your institution doesn't yet have an OA policy, show these comments to colleagues. They point to some of the best reasons to adopt a policy. Want to start the process on your campus? Study the MIT policy. It's superb. some annotated suggestions for different choice-points along the way to a policy?  See the guide to good practices for university OA policies, incorporating many suggestions arising from the experience at MIT. #oa #openaccess #mit



03/28/2013, 18:41

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03/30/2013, 14:41

Date published:

03/30/2013, 14:41