Some numbers from the Directory of Open Access Journals Today the DOAJ lists 8,817 peer-reviewed journals...

Current Berkman People and Projects 2013-03-30


Some numbers from the Directory of Open Access JournalsToday the DOAJ lists 8,817 peer-reviewed journals. It now gives tallies by Creative Commons license as well. Here are today's tallies, plus a few simple calculations:* CC-BY = 1,461 journals = 16.6%* CC-BY-SA = 38 journals = 0.4%* CC-BY-ND = 36 journals = 0.4%* CC-BY-NC = 565 journals = 6.4%* CC-BY-NC-SA = 204 journals = 2.3%* CC-BY-NC-ND = 551 journals = 6.2%* Total CC = 2,855 journals = 32.4%Kudos to the DOAJ for the full breakdown by CC license, and a place to go for authoritative updates. Mixed verdict: I'm very glad to see that CC-BY is the most commonly used open license among DOAJ journals. It's roughly three times more common than the runner-up, CC-BY-NC. On the other hand, I'm very disappointed to see that 7,356 or 83.4% don't use CC-BY, and that 5,962 or 67.6% don't use any CC license at all. As I wrote last year, "The failure of 70% OA journals to offer any kind of open license is an embarrassment. It shows that most OA journals don't understand the benefits of libre OA, don't understand their own power to assure it, or both.", I know that some OA journals use custom-written open licenses in lieu of CC licenses. I've never seen a tally of them, and I'm assuming here that the number is small.)The DOAJ previously had a page showing the number of journals with CC licenses. But it didn't show the breakdowns by license, and the URL is now dead. It's time to update your bookmarks. DOAJ also has a page showing the number of journals with the SPARC Europe seal of approval, which requires both metadata sharing and a CC-BY license. Because the seal has two requirements, not just one, the tally for the seal is smaller than the tally for CC-BY alone: 1,162 or 13.2%. new page at the DOAJ shows the breakdowns by article processing charge or APC:* APC = 2,449 journals = 27.8%* No APC = 5,858 journals = 66.7%* Conditional APC = 281 journals = 3.2%These are consistent with previous numbers, but again it's good to have a place to go for authoritative updates. The idea that all or even most OA journals levy APCs or publication fees remains one of the most common and harmful misunderstandings about OA journals. The most recent, important case of this misunderstanding was the Finch Report, which influenced the new RCUK policy, which will take effect next week.'ve updated all these tallies at the "OA by the numbers" list at the Open Access Directory. #openaccess #doaj



03/27/2013, 14:15

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03/30/2013, 14:41

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03/30/2013, 14:41