Kudos to the University of Rhode Island The faculty at the U of Rhode Island just voted unanimously ...

Current Berkman People and Projects 2013-03-30


Kudos to the University of Rhode IslandThe faculty at the U of Rhode Island just voted unanimously to adopt a Harvard-style OA policy. Congratulations to all involved.The URI policy is the third unanimous faculty vote for an OA policy this month, after the College of Wooster and the Library Faculty at the U of North Carolina - Greensboro.Here's the URI policy itself.http://www.uri.edu/facsen/about/Reports_to_the_Faculty_Senate/Other_Reports/2012-2013/FSEC_Report_Open%20Access.pdfHere's the OAD list of unanimous faculty votes for university OA policies.http://oad.simmons.edu/oadwiki/Unanimous_faculty_votes #oa #openaccess  




03/21/2013, 16:54

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03/30/2013, 14:41

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03/30/2013, 14:41