Have books, need hashtags

Current Berkman People and Projects 2013-04-03

My book, Rewire: Digital Cosmopolitans in the Age of Connection, comes out on June 10th on Kindle, June 17th in hardcover. My publisher, W. W. Norton and Company, has evidently just shipped out large pile of proofs to readers. I’ve deduced this by watching a small stream of Twitter users posting photos of their review copies.

If you’d like to be one of that happy band, Brendan Curry at Norton tells me they’ve got a dozen copies left. If you want one, please help me solve a persistent problem: I need a hashtag for the book. It might not be as brilliant as the one Baratunde Thurston came up with – #howtobeblack – but it’s got to be better than the miserable attempts I’m coming up with.

Tweet me a hashtag you think I should use to talk about the book, which looks at the ways digital tools make it possible to connect with people across barriers of language, nation and culture… and the uncomfortable reality that we often don’t use these tools to make novel or challenging connections. (More on the book here, here and, indirectly, here.) I’ll pick the best dozen that come in this morning and send their creators a book.

In the spirit of the book, my friends at Norton have agreed that the contest is open to anyone on the planet, with the caveat that while we’ll happily send copies to Nigeria or Niue, they may take a few days to reach you. (Oh, those heavy, slow atoms.)