Rewards and ReRewards Kudos to +Antony Williams. First, in 2007, he developed the OA chemistry database...

Current Berkman People and Projects 2013-04-06


Rewards and ReRewardsKudos to +Antony Williams. First, in 2007, he developed the OA chemistry database, ChemSpider. Then in 2012, ChemSpider won the Microsoft Jim Gray eScience Award. Now he has announced that he will redistribute the $20,000 in prize money to eight other OA-oriented chemists -- Jean-Claude Bradley, Peter Corbett, Bob Hanson, Robert Lancashire, Daniel Lowe, Igor Pletnev, Martin Walker, and Egon Willighagen. Williams: "I wanted to reward and recognise the efforts of the many people I've worked with and whose data, systems and services I have used over the years - every one of them has contributed in some ways to my own work in this area. In science you commonly stand on the shoulders of the giants that come before you. In eScience it is very possible to benefit from the efforts of others and implement, and I am fortunate to be able to take advantage of the brilliance of others. This is my giveaway in recognition of what they do and my thank you to them."Williams and ChemSpider are long-time players in the OA universe. See my 130 blog posts on them over the years. #openaccess  



04/06/2013, 17:45

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04/06/2013, 22:42

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04/06/2013, 22:42