Outlining -> VRM
Current Berkman People and Projects 2013-04-30
Dave Winer‘s SmallPicture is a vendor I’ve been relating to from the start, mostly by cheering on development, for example of Fargo, the online outliner I describe here. Now that SmallPicture has a reader, I can copy and paste the HTML from my Fargo outline into WordPress under its HTML tab. This makes piling up and publishing outlines of links quite easy. So here goes:
- The corroding value of the internet cookie, and an opportunity to shape a new market, by Nitin Badjitia.
- VRM , Personal Clouds, and Information Architecture, by Stuart Maxwell
- The Hidden Risks of Mobile CRM, Part 1, Part 2
- How consumer messaging is going from ‘push’ to ‘pull’, by Terry Heaton
- The coming age of on demand marketing, by McKinsey
- Ark-OS: “your data, your rules”
VRM in France (where I am now)
- Gestion de la relation vendeur (Vendor Relationship Management article in Wikipedia.fr)
- Le VRM en France. Point de vue d’un spécialiste
- e VRM et un “monde de données personnelles partagées”.
- Le VRM: CRM Social?
- Le gouvernement britannique veut redonner du pouvoir aux consommateurs et lance cet été une consultation pour son projet VRM Midata.
- Les VRM permettront-ils le partage et la réutilisation des données personnelles entre les organisations et leurs clients? (1/2). Written by students M2 ASSAS DMI on January 29, 2013 in protection of persons
- Definition: VRM
- Facebook defends mobile ad plans and mobile platform strategy, which are painful to read
- Programmatic buying (adtech) gains steam
- Subverting ads, by David Weinberger
- Leadlander, an icky service
- The Peril of Terrible Ads, in eMarketer. Maybe the lesson is that any advertising is annoying.
Personal Clouds and the Internet of Things
- Everything changes with the Internet of Everything, by Kevin Maney in Techonomy
- The Internet of My Things, by Phil Windley (check berore publishing)
- Dan Swinhoe (Global) – Data, Cloud, Government: The Dangers Of Data Sovereignty
- Data Soveriegnty and Security
- Forecast for the cloud: it will come in a million varieties, in Gigaom, by Lew Moorman of Rackspace
- Spacemonkey Kickstarter,
- Tahoe-LAFS, a filesystem
- Creating a secure private cloud community
I hope some SmallPicture developers will show up at IIW, so we can talk about possibilities there.