Twitter Followers: Please Use the Correct Feed
Current Berkman People and Projects 2015-07-01
The official Twitter feed for my blog is @schneierblog. The account @Bruce_Schneier also mirrors my blog, but it is not mine. I have nothing to do with it, and I don't know who owns it.
Normally I wouldn't mind, but the unofficial blog fails intermittently. Also, @Bruce_Schneier follows people who then think I'm following them. I'm not; I never log in to Twitter and I don't follow anyone there.
So if you want to read my blog on Twitter, please make sure you're following @schneierblog. If you are the person who runs the @Bruce_Schneier account -- if anyone is even running it anymore -- please e-mail me at the address on my Contact page.
And if anyone from the Twitter fraud department is reading this, please contact me. I know I can get the @Bruce_Schneier account deleted, but I don't want to lose the 27,300 followers on it. What I want is to consolidate them with the 67,700 followers on my real account. There's no way to explain this on the form to report Twitter impersonation. (Although maybe I should just delete the account. I didn't do it 18 months ago when there were only 16,000 followers on that account, and look what happened. It'll only be worse next year.)
EDITED TO ADD (7/2): It's done. @Bruce_Schneier is gone.
Link: feeds:
Gudgeon and gist » Schneier on SecurityFair Use Tracker » Current Berkman People and Projects
Berkman Center Community - Test » Schneier on Security