VRM videos
Current Berkman People and Projects 2013-07-02
Here is a collection of videos about VRM and related subjects, in roughly reverse chronological order.
First, a series of well-edited excerpts from Disrupting Retail 2013, which was hosted by First Retail in New York City. Here’s an outline:
- What is Disrupting Retail?
- Amazon’s Product Recommender Systems
- Big Data Enabled Intention Management and the Customer Experience
- Moving from Personal Data to Individual Intention
The sessions were led by Gam Dias (@gammydodger) of First Retail, with Andreas Weigend (@weigend) and myself serving as sounding boards for the collection of forward-looking retailers gathered around the table. (That’s the two of us in the shot above.) Lots of excellent grist for retailers, VRooMers and everybody else who cares about the future of business (which, let’s face it, wouldn’t be business without retail). Bonus link.
Second, Phil Windley on building trillion-node networks. Within those might be your network, with your own Internet of Things in your own cloud. Bonus video: The cloud needs an operating system.
Third, from the State of the Net (#SOTN) conference in Trieste last month, four videos:
- Personal Cloud, i miei dati li controllo io, which is me talking up personal clouds to an Italian interviewer, in English.
- My keynote on the personal cloud.
- Using internal social business tools, a panel moderated by Paolo Valdemarin (@paolovalde) with myself, Euan Semple (@euan) and Dave Snowden (@snowed).
- Vendor Relationship Management | State of the Net 2013, a panel with Jan Reichelt and myself, moderated by Euan Semple (@euan).
There were a number of others as well, which I’ll put up when I find them (or they find me).
Fourth, some others from the last year and more:
- Customers take charge, with Sogeti Labs, November 2012
- How the old bottom is the new top, a talk at PICNIC Festival, September 2012
- The consumer of the future? Empowered! An interview with Gary Rosen of The Wall Street Journal, August 2012
- Telco 2.o interview, on VRM, 23 July 2012
- Triangulation 58, a conversation on TWiT with Leo Laporte, 22 June 2012
- User-driven democracy, at the Personal Democracy Forum, June 2011
On the future of Facebook, for Future of Facebook:
- “If I were running Facebook, what would you do right now?”
- What role will Facebook play in the planetary ecosystem of 2015?
- What’s the biggest threat to Facebook?
- Name three key issues for the future of Facebook
- How could Facebook become a commerce mechanism?
- How is online identity being shaped by Facebook?
- “There is no Facebook”
- On the Live Web at Kynetx Impact 2011
- John Battelle and I discuss the future of data at the IAB conference in February 2o11
- An interview with Lee Raine on the Future of the Internet, at Future of the Web, April 2010. The blog post that goes with it.
- On why free customers are worth more than captive ones, at the IDEAS project conference, April 2009
- Interview with JD Lasica on Independence in 2005 or 2006. At Archive.org and the Knight Community News Network.