Paying for media with #customertech

Current Berkman People and Projects 2017-07-03


What we have today with giant silos dominating everything is what Hugh Macleod and I many years ago together called an egology. Hugh illustrated one this way:


Here’s what’s going to happen when the whole cryptocurrency / ICO / token / blockchain / distributed ledger / distributed-everything finishes going down: We will each have far more command of what and how we pay for everything, how we remember what we paid, how we run our personal and social lives online, and how we control our relationships in an open marketplace no longer dominated by giant corporate silos and fiat currencies.

That’s my bet, anyway. Because I see the pendulum swinging away from platforms, and up the stack to new protocols. Union Square Ventures illustrates it this way:


That was a few months back. I was at a talk Nick Grossman gave a few days ago, and I believe he didn’t have Blockchain above the second image. But you get the point: thick protocols, thin applications.

I see this happening with IPFS, with the Bitcoin and Etherium protocols, with JLINC and other efforts.

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