Machine learning cocktails
Current Berkman People and Projects 2017-08-13
Inspired by fabulously wrong paint colors that Janelle Shane’s generated by running existing paint names through a machine learning system, and then by an hilarious experiment in dog breed names by my friend Matthew Battles, I decided to run some data through a beginner’s machine learning algorithm by karpathy.
I fed a list of cocktail names in as data to an unaltered copy of karpathy’s code. After several hundred thousand iterations, here’s a highly curated list of results:
- French Connerini Mot
- Freside
- Rumibiipl
- Freacher
- Agtaitane
- Black Silraian
- Brack Rickwitr
- Hang
- boonihat
- Tuxon
- Bachutta B
- My Faira
- Blamaker
- Salila and Tonic
- Tequila Sou
- Iriblon
- Saradise
- Ponch
- Deiver
- Plaltsica
- Bounchat
- Loner
- Hullow
- Keviy Corpse der
- KreckFlirch 75
- Favoyaloo
- Black Ruskey
- Avigorrer
- Anian
- Par’sHance
- Salise
- Tequila slondy
- Corpee Appant
- Coo Bogonhee
- Coakey Cacarvib
- Srizzd
- Black Rosih
- Cacalirr
- Falay Mund
- Frize
- Rabgel
- FomnFee After
- Pegur
- Missoadi Mangoy Rpey Cockty e
- Banilatco
- Zortenkare
- Riscaporoc
- Gin Choler Lady or Delilah
- Bobbianch 75
- Kir Roy Marnin Puter
- Freake
- Biaktee
- Coske Slommer Roy Dog
- Mo Kockey
- Sane
- Briney
- Bubpeinker
- Rustin Fington Lang T
- Kiand Tea
- Malmooo
- Batidmi m
- Pint Julep
- Funktterchem
- Gindy
- Mod Brandy
- Kkertina Blundy Coler Lady
- Blue Lago’sil
- Mnakesono Make
- gizzle
- Whimleez
- Brand Corp Mook
- Nixonkey
- Plirrini
- Oo Cog
- Bloee Pluse
- Kremlin Colone Pank
- Slirroyane Hook
- Lime Rim Swizzle
- Ropsinianere
- Blandy
- Flinge
- Daago
- Tuefdequila Slandy
- Stindy
- Fizzy Mpllveloos
- Bangelle Conkerish
- Bnoo Bule Carge Rockai Ma
- Biange Tupilang Volcano
- Fluffy Crica
- Frorc
- Orandy Sour
- The candy Dargr
- SrackCande
- The Kake
- Brandy Monkliver
- Jack Russian
- Prince of Walo Moskeras
- El Toro Loco Patyhoon
- Rob Womb
- Tom and Jurr Bumb
- She Whescakawmbo Woake
- Gidcapore Sling
- Mys-Tal Conkey
- Bocooman Irion anlis
- Ange Cocktaipopa
- Sex Roy
- Ruby Dunch
- Tergea Cacarino burp Komb
- Ringadot
- Manhatter
- Bloo Wommer
- Kremlin Lani Lady
- Negronee Lince
- Peady-Panky on the Beach
Then I added to the original list of cocktails a list of Western philosophers. After about 1.4 million iterations, here’s a curated list:
- Wotticolus
- Lobquidibet
- Mores of Cunge
- Ruck Velvet
- Moscow Muáred
- Elngexetas of Nissone
- Johkey Bull
- Zoo Haul
- Paredo-fleKrpol
- Whithetery Bacady Mallan
- Greekeizer
- Frellinki
- Made orass
- Wellis Cocota
- Giued Cackey-Glaxion
- Mary Slire
- Robon Moot
- Cock Vullon Dases
- Loscorins of Velayzer
- Adg Cock Volly
- Flamanglavere Manettani
- J.N. tust
- Groscho Rob
- Killiam of Orin
- Fenck Viele Jeapl
- Gin and Shittenteisg Bura
- buzdinkor de Mar
- J. Apinemberidera
- Nickey Bull
- Fishomiunr Slmester
- Chimio de Cuckble Golley
- Zoo b Revey Wiickes
- P.O. Hewllan o
- Hlack Rossey
- Coolle Wilerbus
- Paipirista Vico
- Sadebuss of Nissone
- Sexoo
- Parodabo Blazmeg
- Framidozshat
- Almiud Iquineme
- P.D. Sullarmus
- Baamble Nogrsan
- G.W.J. . Malley
- Aphith Cart
- C.G. Oudy Martine ram
- Flickani
- Postine Bland
- Purch
- Caul Potkey
- J.O. de la Matha
- Porel
- Flickhaitey Colle
- Bumbat
- Mimonxo
- Zozky Old the Sevila
- Marenide Momben Coust Bomb
- Barask’s Spacos Sasttin
- Th mlug
- Bloolllamand Royes
- Hackey Sair
- Nick Russonack
- Fipple buck
- G.W.F. Heer Lach Kemlse Male
Yes, we need not worry about human bartenders, cocktail designers, or philosophers being replaced by this particular algorithm. On the other hand, this is algorithm consists of a handful of lines of code and was applied blindly by a person dumber than it. Presumably SkyNet — or the next version of Microsoft Clippy — will be significantly more sophisticated than that.
The post Machine learning cocktails appeared first on Joho the Blog.