Hello World & Berkman Affiliation

Current Berkman People and Projects 2013-09-13

I’m back!

After a restful 1-2 month break from blogging, I’m re-emerging. Both energy and ideas wise. Can’t wait to share some of my new thoughts, as well as revisit some old ones.

I’ve also some fun news. This academic year I’ll be an affiliate at the Berkman Centre for Internet and Society. Indeed, I’m in Boston at the moment taking part in their open house and the launch of their year. I’ll continue to reside in Vancouver but hope to be in and out of Boston throughout the year, so if you are passing through, let me know. I’m also already enjoying the many fruitful conversations with the Berkman community and am drawing energy and ideas from them. Really looking forward to a year where I can start thinking of new ways in which I’d like to grow my intellectual capital.

A big part of the year for me is going to be about that, shedding topics that I feel I’ve talked enough about and beginning to explore new ones. Part of that will, hopefully, be reflected in my writing.

Also, Karen Fung helpfully pointed out that the link for the “my life” venn diagram on my about me page had broken, so I’ve taken it as a sign to update it. Many friends and colleagues have found it to be helpful when trying to understand or (worse!) describe some of what I do. It’s hardly a complete representation of my professional life, but it is a fun effort to try to visualize a good chunk of it. (BTW, if you decide to create your own, please send me a link, would love to see it)

My Life


Finally, I’d like to say thank to those that wrote me emails asking if everything was okay as I took a blogging hiatus. All is good! After almost 7 years of straight blogging, plus writing with TechPresident… I’m Just trying to recenter myself, manage my life (both as I grow, and as I manage new responsibilities, like my 21 month old son!) and think about what I’m doing and where I want to go.

Can’t wait to get back to writing. I hope some of what I say continues to be of interest, or of value to you too.