Supplements to The Electric Information Age Book

Current Berkman People and Projects 2013-09-13

My collaborator Adam Michaels and I have been working on a two-fold supplement to our 2012 book on the experimental paperbacks of the 60s and 70s that we will be presenting at the Project Projects table at the New York Art Book Fair (MOMA P.S. 1) on the afternoon of Saturday, September 21, 2013. It consists in two limited edition items: a poster remix of the book and its sources; and a pamphlet that reproduces two rare interviews with the graphic designer Quentin Fiore, the designer/co-author of The Medium is the Massage and War and Peace in the Global Village, as well as a reprinting of his 1969 collage essay “The Future of the Book.” They will be on sale, bundled together with The Electric Information Age Book and The Masses’s The Electric Information Age Album, all neatly fitting into a custom-made cloth carrying bag.

The pamphlet:



The poster:


