Hark! Documentary and New Years Listening Resolutions

Current Berkman People and Projects 2014-01-06

A new year, a new episode of HowSound available for your listening pleasure. Are you subscribed to the HowSound podcast? If not, subscribe now.

HowSound producer/host Rob Rosenthal is featuring a wild documentary called “Hark! The Acoustic World of Elizabethan England.” This piece was so stimulating that it sparked a New Year’s Resolution for Rob to, “listen deliberately to the sounds around me as often as possible.” We think that’s an excellent resolution, Rob.

PRX Remix’s Sam Greenspan said of Hark! “This stunning work takes us back 400 years into a long-extinct sonic world–a world absent of the noise of cell phones, car traffic, household appliances, and recorded music. A world where the “sonic event” of the day might be the livestock getting fed.”

And fed the livestock will be.


The post Hark! Documentary and New Years Listening Resolutions appeared first on Public Radio Exchange.