A new approach to measuring the impact of open data - Sunlight Foundation Blog

page_amanda's bookmarks 2015-05-07


Julia Keseru wrote a report on Open Data, "The Social Impact of Open Data," which was written with support by the Sunlight Foundation and the Open Data for Development Research Fund of the OGP Open Data Working Group. The report discusses Open Data, Open Governance, and research outputs.

"The outputs of this research include:

  • A searchable repository of more than 100 examples on the outputs, outcomes and impacts of open data and digital technology projects;
  • Three distinctive theories of change for open data and digital transparency initiatives from the Global South;
  • A methodological framework to help develop more robust indicators of social and political change for the ecosystem of open data initiatives, by applying and revising the Outcome Mapping approach of IDRC to the field."



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Date tagged:

05/07/2015, 12:59

Date published:

05/07/2015, 08:59