Achieving human and machine accessibility of cited data in scholarly publications [PeerJ PrePrints]

page_amanda's bookmarks 2015-06-04


"Reproducibility and reusability of research results is an important concern in scientific communication and science policy. A foundational element of reproducibility and reusability is the open and persistently available presentation of research data. However, many common approaches for primary data publication in use today do not achieve sufficient long-term robustness, openness, accessibility or uniformity. Nor do they permit comprehensive exploitation by modern Web technologies. This has led to several authoritative studies recommending uniform direct citation of data archived in persistent repositories. " This article discusses reproducibility of research, data, long-term preservation, and other factors.


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Tags: oa.academ

Date tagged:

06/04/2015, 14:10

Date published:

06/04/2015, 10:10