Vanity and predatory academic publishers are corrupting the pursuit of knowledge

page_amanda's bookmarks 2015-08-06


"Radio National’s Background Briefing recently presented a grim academic tale of identity theft, shambolic conferences, exploitation, sham peer review and pseudoscience. Presenter Hagar Cohen provided an eye-opening introduction to predatory academic publishing and conferences, with a particular focus on the publisher OMICS Group. It was also a very human story, including researchers travelling across the globe only to find they’re attending an imitation of an academic conference. Why do predatory and vanity academic publishers and conferences exist? Why are they flourishing now? And what can they tell us about the failings of academia?..."

A discussion piece on predatory conferences and vanity journals, this article discusses both open access journals and closed, traditional publications.


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » page.amanda


oa.predatory oa.negative oa.impact_of oa.publishing oa.comment oa.credability oa.quality

Date tagged:

08/06/2015, 14:59

Date published:

08/06/2015, 10:59