An open access publishing cooperative for anthropology? | Somatosphere

page_amanda's bookmarks 2015-11-12


"Last month HAU and Cultural Anthropology published a proposal for an open access anthropology publishing cooperative written by Alberto Corsín Jiménez, John Willinsky, Dominic Boyer, Giovanni da Col and Alex Golub. The American Anthropological Association’s (AAA) current contract with Wiley-Blackwell expires at the end of 2017 and the organization announced recently that it would be inviting publishers to bid for the business of publishing its 22 titles. Addressed to the AAA, and conceptualized as an OA alternative to its current model, the proposal for a publishing cooperative has stirred up a considerable amount of conversation on social media and on anthropology blogs. To find out more about the proposal, I got in touch with and posed a few questions to two of its authors, Giovanni da Col, the founder and editor of HAU, and Alberto Corsín Jiménez, Associate Professor in Social Anthropology in the Department of the History of Science at the Spanish National Research Council in Madrid."

For the whole story, read the full article.


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Tags: oa.publishing oa.anthropology oa.pkp oa.societies oa.wiley-blackwell oa.open_library_humanities oa.journals oa.ssh oa.ssh

Date tagged:

11/12/2015, 09:30

Date published:

11/12/2015, 04:30