Terminally ill Betsy Davis holds party before ending her life | Daily Mail Online

peter.suber's bookmarks 2016-08-14


"Betsy Davis, 41, became one of the first Californians to take a lethal dose of drugs under the state's new doctor-assisted suicide law

Davis worked out a detailed schedule for the gathering on the weekend of July 23-24

The ALS sufferer, diagnosed in 2013, had one rule for the gathering: no crying 

The artist could no longer stand, brush her teeth or scratch an itch and her speech slurred speech

Davis took a combination of morphine, pentobarbital and chloral hydrate on an outdoor canopy bed and died four hours later and the end of the weekend..."



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Consent and coercion » peter.suber's bookmarks


consent euthanasia suicide

Date tagged:

08/14/2016, 16:28

Date published:

08/14/2016, 12:28