The "parental rights" movement is harming our children |

peter.suber's bookmarks 2022-04-11


"In Florida, Governor Ron DeSantis recently signed the extremist "Don't Say Gay" bill into law, barring teachers from discussing any LGBTQ+ topics or people in school and encouraging parents to sue teachers who do. They've also introduced another bill that would give the state government license to ban books from schools without considering the opinions of all parents. Meanwhile in Texas, Governor Abbott is targeting LGBTQ+ children and families under the guise of a 'parental bill of rights,' that will censor books that represent the true diversity of families and kids' identities. As two parents–one with a transgender daughter in Florida, and one with three cisgender children in Texas–we're all too familiar with these political shenanigans and the harmful impact they have on all young people, regardless of their gender identities. 

Denying the existence of LGBTQ+ people in our schools denies the humanity of an entire group of students, and this hurts all children. We're seeing firsthand how these bills are creating a growing sense of unease in schools, and how they're forcing families, who simply want what's best for their children, to live in fear. All of our kids, regardless of their races, family incomes, genders,or disabilities, deserve to learn in a safe environment, free from hate and bullying....

It's clear that policies like these target the LGBTQ+ community, especially transgender kids—but these laws hurt all children. No kid benefits from learning that ignores the very existence of entire groups of people. Through exposure to different people and perspectives, our kids learn to respect others and participate in a free, democratic society. That's something we should all want for our children. ..."


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Consent and coercion » peter.suber's bookmarks


parents children education legislation harm

Date tagged:

04/11/2022, 14:41

Date published:

04/11/2022, 10:41