Harvard psychiatrist on the dilemma of forced hospitalization – Harvard Gazette

peter.suber's bookmarks 2022-12-09


"For years, American cities and towns have struggled with how to address those living on their streets who suffer from mental illness but refuse treatment. New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ controversial new plan to make it easier to involuntarily hospitalize the most seriously ill has set off a robust national debate about what role, if any, local governments should play in mental health care decisions.

Psychiatrist Katherine Koh ’09, M.D. ’14, works at Boston Health Care for the Homeless and Mass. General Hospital, and knows firsthand the many challenges of getting treatment to this population. She spoke to the Gazette about why New York City’s plan is neither as cruel nor outrageous as it may initially sound and details what it takes to keep people off the streets and living with improved mental health. Interview has been edited for clarity and length...."



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Consent and coercion » peter.suber's bookmarks


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Date tagged:

12/09/2022, 15:19

Date published:

12/09/2022, 10:19