Open Science Framework is a web platform for sharing, connecting, and streamlining scientific workflows |

gavinbaker's bookmarks 2014-06-19


"If you haven’t heard, science has been experiencing some issues. Though most scientists believe in the ideals of openness, transparency, and reproducibility, the reality is that the incentive structure of academic research encourages exactly the opposite. So, scientists have a stronger professional incentive to get results published than to get them right. To make things worse, many scientists are stuck with outdated and closed source tools that aren’t up to the task of managing their increasingly complicated workflows. At the Center for Open Science (COS), we're leveraging open source to tackle these problems. We're a mission-driven non-profit, but we operate at the pace of a for-profit. We move fast, we rapidly prototype, we iterate, and we’re not afraid to throw it all away and start over. And, we believe that open source developers can help reform science. With help from the open source community, we’re building free and open tools to make research more efficient. And we’re developing tools to nudge scientific incentives—realigning the academic reward structure with scientists’ values ..."


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Tags: oa.comment oa.open_science

Date tagged:

06/19/2014, 10:54

Date published:

06/19/2014, 06:54