AllTrials – Building the AllTrials campaign in Spain and Latin America

gavinbaker's bookmarks 2014-07-10


"The Iberoamerican Cochrane Centre is taking up the AllTrials campaign in Spain and Latin America. They are going to ask scientific societies, patient organisations and ethics committees in Spain to join AllTrials and will work with their colleagues at Cochrane Centres across Central and South America to reach out to organisations there. They are also going to get in touch with the organisations in Spain and Latin America that already support AllTrials to work out what needs to change and how they can do it. This is great! Every organisation that joins AllTrials represents a group of people that support the principle that all clinical trials should be registered and results reported. Organisations help spread the word about the campaign by asking their members to sign the petition and by sharing the campaign video on their websites. The more organisations and people who are talking and writing about AllTrials, the more industry, governments and regulators start hearing that clinical trial transparency matters. Thank you all for your support. Share the video, ask everyone to sign the petition and see more ways to help spread the word."


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Tags: oa.alltrials oa.clinical_trials oa.spain oa.latin_america oa.cochrane oa.signatures oa.advocacy oa.medicine oa.biomedicine oa.south oa.announcements oa.pharma

Date tagged:

07/10/2014, 08:10

Date published:

07/10/2014, 04:10