Fiocruz establishing its policy on Open Access «Blog Kuramoto

gavinbaker's bookmarks 2014-07-11


[From Google's English] "In the latter says March 31, 2014, Fiocruz established, by ordinance of the MS / n. 938, its Open Access Policy. Pioneering and unprecedented way Fiocruz can be considered the first Brazilian institution to define and deploy an Open Access Policy , correctly and in accordance with the proposals by inicitiavas Boai since, in the midst of this ordinance, the authors involved in projects Search Fiocruz, are encouraged to autodepositarem the results of their research published in scientific journals, the Institutional Repository ARCA , whose management will be the responsibility of a Steering Committee, which will be coordinated by unit Científia Institute of Communication and Information and Technology in Health ( ICICT), which will have a technical coordination and and an executive team responsible for the ARCA RI. Anyway, by the wording of the ordinance that created this policy, Fiocruz follows faithful and responsible for the determinations of Boai form, including clearly defining the mechanisms for publication of research results empreendidadas by researchers and technicians that institution. An important aspect defined in said ordinance relates to the issue of self-archiving that, unlike other Brazilian initiatives, will be borne by the researchers with the subsequent follow-up by technical information that institution. Many readers of this blog certainly will be impacted by the consideration that made ​​this action, once considered a pioneer and unprecedented. Thus, it is necessary an explanation. My observation was necessary, since the few Brazilian institutional repositories determine that the deposit in their institutional repository is done by libraries or technical libraries and not by the researcher. Rather, Fiocruz determined in its Open Access Policy, which researchers do the autodepósito and not the information sector or libraries Fiocruz, this little detail made ​​the difference. If readers observe the Boai statement , check that bakes statement speaks in his first strategy (I) autodepósito on deposits and not by the libraries. Therefore, the responsibility for filing is, first of all, the task of the researcher ..."


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Date tagged:

07/11/2014, 13:25

Date published:

07/11/2014, 09:25