How 'Google Science' could transform academic publishing (Wired UK)

gavinbaker's bookmarks 2014-08-15


"Google is allegedly working on a free, open access platform for the research, collaboration and publishing of peer-reviewed scientific journals. At least, that is apparently what one individual wants us to believe. is in possession of a document, sent anonymously, detailing how 'Google Science' would bring together existing services such as Google Docs, Google Plus, YouTube and more to create a platform that challenges the paid-for model of scientific publishing and provides academics with an opportunity to connect with each other more efficiently. The document was allegedly given to a handful of academics in Berlin this week by Google executives -- so says the email sent to this establishment and a number of other sources. A name appears in one of the screenshots purporting to exhibit Google Science in action -- Dieter Krachtus -- and contacted him to find out if the document is in fact false and mocked up. (There's also a smiley winky face somewhere in the presentation, and a typo, so we were not totally sold…) Krachtus has since responded to deny sending the document, but reveals that the presentation did in fact belong to a 2011 'Google Science project' he prepared for 'a couple of friends and acquaintances at Google'. The document, is exactly the same -- bar a date change.  A Google spokesperson is currently looking into the validity of a burgeoning 'Google Science' project, but so far has been unable to find anything and has no comment. Krachtus believes the whole thing is a prank being played on him. But the email and document appear to have been sent to a great number of journalists and industry players. And still, the origins of its sender, remain a mystery. It is of note, however, that Head of the Strategy Unit at Research Councils UK Alexandra Saxon, told that she has been hearing rumours about such a platform for the past six months to a year ..."


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08/15/2014, 07:31

Date published:

08/15/2014, 03:31