Thoughts on Having a Meta Open Science Community | The Ubuntu Sense

gavinbaker's bookmarks 2014-10-01


"Over the last week, I started to think about how to improve the collaboration between the Open Science groups and researchers and also between the groups themselves. One of the ideas that I thought about using simple tools that are around in other Open * places (mainly Open Source/Linux distros). These tools are your forums (Discourse and other ones), Planet feeds, and wikis. Using these creates a meta community where members of the community can start there and get themselves involved in one or more groups. Open Science seems to lack this meta community. Even though I think that meta community is not present, I do think that there is one group that can maintain this meta community and that group is the Open Knowledge Foundation Network (OKFN). They have a working group for Open Science. Therefore, I think, if they take the time and the resources, then it could happen or else some other group can be created for this. What this meta community tool-wise needs ..."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป gavinbaker's bookmarks

Tags: oa.comment oa.open_science oa.social_networks

Date tagged:

10/01/2014, 07:46

Date published:

10/01/2014, 03:46