1. StacksExchange: My New Favorite Form of Open Science | Sak on Science

gavinbaker's bookmarks 2015-04-09


" ... Recently, I have been experiencing considerable Open Science ambivalence. Specifically, though I am a big believer in the the principles of Open Science, I have found myself struggling by the practicing of Open Science. For example, I have had an OSF account for nearly the whole academic year, but I just haven’t found it a good time to “take the plunge”, beyond the single project that I have posted there. Perhaps trying to change the organizational framework I use for my research during my dissertation and job-search year wasn’t the most well thought out plan. I’m hopeful that when I start my upcoming postdoctoral position, that I will be able to start making the transition.  While I wait for the moment when I am able to reconcile my principles and practices of Open Science, I have begun participating in StacksExchange. In a nutshell, Stacks is a conglomerate of community-based Q&A sites, dedicated to particular topics. Good questions and answers are up-voted by community members, and members receive 'reputation' points and achievements for their participation. CrossValidated and StacksOverflow are two Stacks sites for questions about statistics and programming, respectively ..."



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Date tagged:

04/09/2015, 09:33

Date published:

04/09/2015, 05:33