How open science have created the Internet | Open Science

gavinbaker's bookmarks 2015-06-15


"Tim Berns Lee, a CERN employee, created the WWW information system around the year 1990. This system is now a core part of the Internet. The inventor wrote in the second sentence of his WorldWideWeb: Summary “The project started with the philosophy that much academic information should be freely available to anyone. It aims to allow information sharing within  internationally dispersed teams, and the dissemination of information by support groups.” This goes to show how open science is intrinsically linked to the recent information revolution. It is commonly stated that open access became possible thanks to the Internet. This is of course true. The first peer reviewed journals that were free for readers were launched around 1990, and it was probably not possible to establish these journals earlier due to technical obstacles. But the idea of openness in science is significantly older. Today, I will try to argue for the claim that this idea was the main force behind computer network development. ARPANET, the network which was the direct ancestor of the Internet, was created by a team of scientists working for the Advanced Research Projects Agency, part of the US Defense Department. However, commentators discussing the origins of the Internet claim that the ARPA was not interested in military strategies ... The trend that strongly influenced the way in which this global network developed is hacker subculture, which evolved in the environment of the best American universities, in computer science laboratories. Hackers have always been obsessed with access, sharing and transparency ... The most radical example of the hacker attitude is the behavior of Richard Stallman, (founder of the GNU project) who worked at MIT and had access to ARPANET ..."


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Date tagged:

06/15/2015, 08:08

Date published:

06/15/2015, 04:08