Real-time Stream of DOIs being cited in Wikipedia | CrossTech
gavinbaker's bookmarks 2015-07-12
"For years we’ve known that the Wikipedia was a major referrer of CrossRef DOIs and about a year ago we confirmed that, in fact, the Wikipedia is the 8th largest refer of CrossRef DOIs. We know that people follow the DOIs, too. This despite a fraction of Wikipedia citations to the scholarly literature even using DOIs. So back in August we decided to create a Wikimedia Ambassador programme. The goal of the programme was to promote the use of persistent identifiers in citation and attribution in Wikipedia articles. We would do this through outreach and through the development of better citation-related tools. Remember when we originally wrote about our experiments with the PLOS ALM code and how that has transitioned into the DOI Event Tracking Pilot? In those posts we mentioned that one of the hurdles in gathering information about DOI events is the actual process of polling third party APIs for activity related to millions of DOIs. Most parties simply wouldn’t be willing handle the load of a 100K API calls an hour. Besides, polling is a tremendously inefficient process, only a fraction of DOIs are ever going to generate events, but we’d have to poll for each of them, repeatedly, forever, to get an accurate picture of DOI activity. We needed a better way. We needed to see if we could reverse this process and convince some parties to instead 'push' us information whenever they saw DOI related events (e.g. citations, downloads, shares, etc). If only we could convince somebody to try this…"