scholcomm - [SCHOLCOMM] Florida State University Passes Open Access Policy - arc
gavinbaker's bookmarks 2016-02-19
[O]ur faculty senate [at Florida State U] decided to call a vote on a proposed open access policy. Our fearless leader and ScholComm Librarian, Devin Soper was giving a presentation with several of our faculty champions, and the vote was supposed to be called at the next meeting in March. After the presentation, the faculty senate president decided that everyone had enough information and asked for a motion to adopt the policy. A resounding [and unanimous] chorus(SHARE?) of "Ayes" later, and five years of blood, sweat and tears culminates in Florida State entering the ScholComm century as the 1st public university in Florida to pass a Harvard-style, rights-retention, the big kahuna, OA Policy.
Since we weren't planning on promoting it until March, we have no press release/announcement (yet), except my guffawed tweet, and the policy and FAQ in our github repo...."