IDRC adopts new Open Access Policy

gavinbaker's bookmarks 2016-12-09


"IDRC has announced a new open access policy for all its funded project outputs. The policy applies to all outputs resulting from proposals received after the policy takes effect on July 20, 2015.

IDRC’s open access policy is based on the belief that full social and economic benefits of research in support of development should be available to everyone who could use it – and build on it – to improve people’s lives. IDRC’s policy is consistent with the broader movement toward open access, supported by research funders and governments –including the Government of Canada – as a way to increase transparency, accountability, and efficiency. "


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » lterrat's bookmarks


Date tagged:

12/09/2016, 15:55

Date published:

12/09/2016, 10:55