Open data: Catalogo Dati Italiano ed Europeo. « Medicina in Biblioteca
gavinbaker's bookmarks 2017-03-16
From Google Translate: "The portal is the national catalog of metadata for data released in format open from Italian public administrations. The portal is promoted by the Italian Government and managed by the Agency for Digital Italy with FormezPA support.
The open data catalog displays, at the time, about 18,000 datasets in open format, as well as published and updated by the respective administrations. On the home page is the data and areas of search window (or categories) in which issues are grouped catalog datasets. Eg. Health : - List of Hospitals and University Hospitals; - Social security and assistance; - Data and indicators on the theme of health in the regions; - Data with semi-annual basis occupational diseases by date; - Ministerial Dataset contains the complete list of pharmacies open to the public;
- Parapharmacies;
We report the EU Open Data Portal ( ) that offers, through a metadata catalog, a data access point produced by institutions, agencies and European bodies. The quality of the metadata is checked on a weekly basis.
Eg. Health"