¿Sabes qué es OER Commoms? ~ CanalBiblos: blog de la Biblioteca de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
gavinbaker's bookmarks 2017-04-13
From Google Translate: "What is OER Commons?
OER Commons (Open Educational Resources) is an open educational resource repository created in 2007 by the ISKME (Institute for Knowledge Management in Education), a US institution that helps educational institutions in issues such as
- Expand, collect and use data of interest
- Share information and make knowledge accessible to students, educators and the general public
- Download and share with colleagues and students
- Download, edit and republish as a new job
- The other options that allow Creative Commons licenses.
Important: all materials included in OER Commons , are reviewed to ensure their quality and compliance with the standards. Why you are interested Unlike other resources, at OER Commons, you can not only discover new free and open educational resources, but also have the opportunity to collaborate in the use, evaluation and improvement of these materials . To support users' contributions, ISKME launched the OER-Connector plug-in on the GitHub platform in 2010 , thanks to which users can add resources to OER Commons. From a single access point you can search, examine and evaluate resources in the OER Commons collection composed of more than 50,000 materials of an educational nature. For example
- University courses
- Interactive Lessons
- Manuals and textbooks in open
- Other activities"