Belgorod State University adopts an open access policy | EIFL
gavinbaker's bookmarks 2013-07-17
"Belgorod State University (the Russian Federation) adopted an open access (OA) mandate on May 17, 2013. And on May 22, 2013 it hosted a seminar to celebrate five years' achievements of Belgorod Declaration on OA to scientific knowledge and discuss a new action plan for 2014-2018 to promote and implement the Declaration.
The University mandated submission of research outputs funded from the federal and university budgets to institutional OA repository that include the following:
peer-reviewed research articles indexed by the Web of Science, Scopus and Russian Science Citation Index;
scientific monographs and educational materials published by the University press.
OA is provided on the basis of publishers copyright policies on self-archiving. Deans and the Research Library Director are responsible for the population of repository and every university department appoints a coordinator that acts as a liaison. The Research Library and the Centre for Scientometrics and University Competitiveness provide support to faculty members and departments liaisons in implementing this policy.
The Belgorod Declaration (2008) [text in English] [text in Russian] endorsed by 11 rectors in Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine has contributed greatly to OA repository developments and OA policy discussions in these countries. The declaration is still open for more signatures and endorsement [endorsement letter in Russian]. Professor Vladimir Moskovkin, a driving force behind the Declaration, Belgorod State University OA mandate and other OA developments in Russia and Ukraine, in his closing statement stressed that OA repositories contribute to immediate access and visibility of research outputs, provide citation advantage to researchers and institutions, and improve universities image and impact. More information about the seminar is here (in Russian).
This is the 40th OA mandate in EIFL’s network ..."