10,000th Item Deposited in Northumbria Open Access Repository | Northumbria Research Support

gavinbaker's bookmarks 2013-07-20


"Northumbria Research Link (NRL), the University’s Open Access Repository for research outputs and publications, has recently passed a milestone of 10,000 items. As reported in the University’s Insight magazine: 'The landmark 10,000th publication was a paper by Anniversary Research Fellow, Dr Frank Lewis, from the Department of Applied Sciences, on processes which attempt to reduce the radioactive lifetime of used nuclear fuels by separating out the hazardous radioactive elements. In the last year almost 150,000 items were downloaded from the repository by more than 100,000 visitors to its website, with significant numbers based in the USA, India and China. Almost 30,000 downloads originated in the United States, with 8,000 from India and 7,000 from China. These three countries alone account for approximately 30% of downloads from the repository. Professor Peter Golding, Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research and Innovation, said: 'These impressive figures confirm the continuous growth in the scale of research activity at Northumbria University and the interest shown in it from all over the world. In the past twelve months alone, more than 4,000 new research outputs have been placed in Northumbria Research Link. The sheer volume increase in deposits shows that growth in the quality and quantity of research undertaken by our staff is creating international interest in what we do.'' If you’re a researcher at Northumbria and you’d like to find out more about the repository ...'"



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Date tagged:

07/20/2013, 07:37

Date published:

07/20/2013, 03:36