Taylor & Francis Online :: Library Technical Services: Key Ingredients in the Recipe for a Successful Institutional Repository - The Serials Librarian - Volume 65, Issue 1

gavinbaker's bookmarks 2013-07-20


Use the link to access pay-per-view options for the article published in the journal The Serials Librarian available from Taylor & Francis.  The abstract reads as follows: "For years, academic institutions have established and maintained institutional repositories (IRs) to collect, preserve, and showcase their institution's research and scholarly output. Tammy Sugarman, Associate Dean for Collections at Georgia State University Library, presented 'Library Technical Services: Key Ingredients in the Recipe for a Successful Institutional Repository' at the Mississippi State University Libraries eResource & Emerging Technologies Summit held at Mississippi State University, Mitchell Memorial Library on August 3, 2012. Sugarman provided historical background on IRs and explored the professional and organizational changes taking place in academic libraries to support IR programs, focusing on contributions of technical services units."



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Date tagged:

07/20/2013, 16:57

Date published:

07/20/2013, 12:57