Veterinary Record Open: extending the open access options -- Adams 173 (2): 38 -- Veterinary Record

gavinbaker's bookmarks 2013-07-22


"THIS month will see the launch of Veterinary Record Open, a new peer-reviewed open access research journal which we are pleased to present as part of the BVA's group of journals. These are exciting times for veterinary publishing, with an opportunity to publish well-designed and well-reported research in a completely accessible manner. Veterinary Record Open will accept all submissions relating to veterinary research from all disciplines and fields, including those that might otherwise be refused by journals with specific interests or readerships. It will be dedicated to publishing veterinary research across a range of topics, including those of a more niche and specialist nature to that considered in the weekly Veterinary Record. It will consider original research articles and study protocols for publication."


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Date tagged:

07/22/2013, 07:18

Date published:

07/22/2013, 03:18