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There are currently 15 tags prefixed with ru. in use in this hub.
There are currently 14 tags prefixed with . in use in this hub.
There are currently 10 tags prefixed with u. in use in this hub.
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- oa.americansocietyofcriminology 2987
- 336
- oa.journals 197
- 167
- oa.licensing 141
- oa.comment 93
- 93
- oa.repositories 82
- oa.libre 78
- oa.policies 62
- oa.oa_week 61
- oa.books 58
- oa.people 57
- oa.business_models 49
- oa.usa 41
- oa.ssh 41
- oa.libraries 39
- oa.interviews 38
- 38
- 36
- oa.europe 35
- oa.copyright 35
- 34
- oa.mandates 32
- oa.psi 29
- oa.south 24
- oa.pharma 23
- oa.publishers 22
- oa.presentations 22
- oa.librarians 21
- oa.creative_commons 21
- ru.sparc 20
- 20
- 20
- 20
- oa.oer 19
- oa.funders 19
- oa.internet_archive 18
- 18
- oa.etds 18
- oa.museums 16
- oa.impact 16
- oa.government 16
- oa.npg 16
- oa.surveys 15
- oa.clinical_trials 15
- oa.usa.ny 15
- oa.advocacy 15
- oa.awards 13
- oa.universities 13
- oa.hei 13
- oa.south_africa 12
- oa.article 11
- oa.okfn 11
- oa.announcements 10
- oa.economics_of 10
- oa.peer_review 10
- oa.digitization 10
- oa.fees 10
- 10
- 9
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- oa.medicine 9
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- 8
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- 8
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- oa.harvard.u 8
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- oa.debates 7
- 7
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- 7
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- oa.paywalled 6
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- oa.textbooks 6
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- oa.social_networks 6
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- oa.students 6
- oa.usa.fl 6
- oa.consultations 6
- oa.publishing 6
- oa.petitions 6
- 5
- oa.mathematics 5
- oa.frpaa 5
- oa.geo 5
- oa.citations 5
- oa.french 5
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- oa.latin_america 5
- oa.volunteers 5
- oa.bmc 5
- oa.archaeology 5
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- oa.arxiv 5
- oa.environment 5
- oa.biomedicine 5
- 4
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- 4
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- 4
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- oa.obama_directive 4
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- 3
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- 3
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- oa.infrastructure 3
- 3
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- 2
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- 2
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- 2
- 2
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- 2
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- 2
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- 2
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- 2
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- 2
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- 2
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- oa.embargoes 2
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- 2
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- rae 2
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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- 1
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